Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!
I hope everyone is ready for the upcoming holiday even if it is for an “Anti-Valentine’s Day.” I hope your Valentine’s Day or Lupercalia is filled with happiness and joy or at least lots of sweets and good movies or books.If you want to know the Ancient Roman history and festivals behind Valentine’d Day, I would recommend this fun read ” Lupercalia: The Ancient Roman Love Holiday Before Valentine’s Day”(here).
For those of you who are writing love letters to your loved ones (family, friends, wife, betrothed,etc)- here are some awesome phrases to spice up your cards and letters!

Valentines Day Candy. Courtesy of WikiCommons.
Te amo “I love you”
Eis quos amo “For those that I love”
Una in perpetuum “Together forever”
Amor vincit omnia “Love conquers all”
Amor meus amplior quam verba est “My love is more than words”
Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori “Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to love” (Vergil)

A blindfolded, armed Cupid (1452/66) by Piero della Francesca
Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur “We choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving” (Syrus)
Illis quos amo deserviam “For those I love I will sacrifice”
In aeternum te amabo “I will love you for all eternity”
In perpetuum et unum diem “Forever and a Day”

Antique Valentine’s card. Courtesy of Wikicommons.
Quos amor verus tenuit, tenebit “True love will hold on to those whom it has held” (Seneca)
Si vis amari, ama “If you wish to be loved, love” (Seneca)
Amor caecus est “Love is blind”
Amor sempiternus “Eternal Love”
Tibi magno cum amor “For you with great love”
Te valde amo ac semper amabo “I love you very much, and always will forever”

Valentines Day Chocolate. Courtesy of WikiCommons.
Numquam periit amor “Love never dies”
Ab imo pectore “From the bottom of my heart”
Nunc scio quid sit amor “Now I know what love is”
Numquam te amare desistam “I’ll never stop loving you”
Etiam in morte, superest amor “In death, love survives”

Amor and Psyche by Antonio Canova, Louvre
Fide et amor“Faithfully and lovingly”
Tuus perdite sodalis amans “Your ever loving soul mate”
Sine amor, nihil est vita “Without love, life is pointless”
Nunc scio quid sit amor “Now I know what love is”
Semper fidelis “Always faithful”
If these quotes are not enough for your thirst of love, you can also check out this post “How to Write a Love Letter in Latin” (here).
Karen Hauck:
Amo, amas, Amat. I love you a lot!
Katie Flower: