Tag Archives: Latin language
Ancient Roman Serial Killers: Part II Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Feb 28, 2022

Salvete Omnes, I will be continuing and finishing this short series about Ancient Roman Serial Killers. This month’s focus is on two figures who may be identified as “serial killers” however, they were part of a larger group (organization?) conducting murders. For those die-hard fans of true crime, I do understand that serial killers have…
Monty Python’s Latin Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Dec 27, 2021

Tis the season! Every year as the holiday season draws nearer and our social media feed fill with traditions and lore from antiquity – I am sure that you all see Winter Solstice or Saturnalia meme or posts pop up. Over the years, I have done posts on these topics. I have also done Christmasy…
League of Legends, Arcane and Latin Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Nov 29, 2021

As the series Arcane: League of Legends sweeps the views of Netflix, I cannot help but jump on board. As a previous casual player and fan of the show, I needed to do a post about Latin in this world. League of Legends So, what is League of Legends? League of Legends is a competitive…
Roman Political Graffiti Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Jan 27, 2021

Salvete Omnes, In light of this year being an inauguration year, let us take a look at Roman Political Graffiti or ads. This post will be highlighting some graffiti inscriptions that showcase men vying for particular political positions. In order to provide some background to some basic political positions – I have included a basic…
Smells Life Teen Spirit: Latin Edition II Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Nov 24, 2020

Salvete Omnes, With Thanksgiving just around the corner in the United States, I could have written a blog about all the facets of Thanksgiving-like traditions that the Roman had. However, in all honesty, the idea of ONLY one event/day/celebration to celebrate the discovery of their home, “defeating” their new homes’ inhabitants, and giving thanks for…
Saying Goodbye to Man’s Best Friend Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Aug 31, 2020

Salvete Omnes, There comes a time in every dog owner’s life when their beloved friend and family member is ready for the rainbow journey (as I have heard it called). This connection to our beloved doggie pets is not a new or modern attachment but one that has traces throughout history and of course…
A Latin Love Triangle: Zeus, Echo and Narcissus PART II Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Apr 30, 2020

Salvete Omnes, Let us continue in the fashion of the February post, I wanted to wrap up this brief translation of Echo and Narcissus. The story of Echo and Narcissus is best known from book three of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, a Latin narrative poem in 15 parts which emerged around AD 8, whose unifying theme is transformation…