Tag Archives: May 17th
Summer Nights in Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 31, 2021

Gratulerer med vel overstått! (Congratulations with a ”well passed” [birthday]!) This belated greeting – a handy Norwegian lifeline for forgetful people – will have to do for all you fans of Norway in 2021. Due to technicalities, I was unable to wish you gratulerer med dagen (happy constitution day) on May 17th. Beklager tradisjonsbruddet! (Sorry…
17 Things to Love about Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2020

Gratulerer med dagen! (Happy May 17th!) Today Norwegians all over the world are celebrating their grunnlov (constitution – from 1814). This year, of course, is very different. Most of the fun 17. mai-tog (May 17th parades) have been cancelled. 🙁 Instead, children and adults have to celebrate hjemme [YEMMeh] (at home). Let’s join the celebrations…
This day in Norwegian history Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2017

Gratulerer med dagen! It’s 17. mai again, Norges nasjonaldag (Norway’s national day). This time, let’s celebrate by taking a look back at how it all started… Many foreigners think that 17. mai is Norway’s independence day – which is only partially true… What is being celebrated is actually Norway’s grunnlovsdag (constitution day), the day the…
Gratulerer med 17. mai! Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 17, 2015
Kjære faste lesere, kjære tilfeldige internettsurfere,vi er samlet her på denne bloggen for å feire den norske grunnloven. Den 17. mai 1814 ble 112 menn i Eidsvoll enige om de lovene som et fritt og selvstendig Norge skulle bygge på. Idealene deres var frihet, likhet og brorskap, og ikke minst kjærlighet til fedrelandet. Hvert år…