Gender in Pashto Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Dec 19, 2012
In Pashto the words have gender. They are either masculine or feminine depending on the letters of the word or the meaning of the words. In order for a Pashto sentence to be correct it needs to follow the gender rule. The noun, the adjective, and the verb need to agree in gender and number. …
Pleasantries in Pashto (Common Phrases of Politeness) Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Dec 13, 2012
In this lesson we will teach you some very useful phrases that we refer to as pleasantries. These are the words or phrases that we use in order to show respect, appreciation, humility etc. By using these words one will come across as a polite person. Even if you don’t speak the language you will…
Housing in Afghanistan and How Afghans Live Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Dec 5, 2012
When it comes to housing there are two totally different types of housing in Afghanistan, the traditional mud houses, and concrete houses and mansions. In the cities you will see very modern architecture, beautiful mansions, but at the same time you might see a very traditional mud house next to it. A majority of the…
How to Say “Excuse me”, and “I am sorry” in Pashto Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Nov 30, 2012
Unlike English, in Pashto the same word is used to say both “Excuse me”, and “I am sorry. In this lesson we will teach you how to say “Excuse me”, and “I am sorry” in Pashto. In Pashto, we use the word Wabakhai to say “Excuse me”. For example when we want to get someone’s…
Afghan Calendar and Months of the Year in Pashto Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Nov 25, 2012
Afghans do not use a single type of calendar. There are three different types of calendars used in Afghanistan which are as follow: Hijri Shamsi (solar Islamic) Miladi /Isawee ( Gregorian /Christian) Hijre Qamari (lunar Islamic) Based on the Afghan constitution the official calendar of Afghanistan is Hijri Shamsi. Hijra means emigration and Shamsi means…
Pashto Numbers 1 – 20 with video Posted by Transparent Language on Nov 8, 2012
We’ve created a simple table here with Pashto numbers through 20 for those of you who are new to learning Pashto. A video is included below with native speaker pronunciation. Listen to it a few times, and make sure to practice saying the words out loud too; this will really help you retain the information…
Religion in Afghanistan Posted by Sayed Naqibullah on Oct 25, 2012
Article two of the constitution of Afghanistan which was approved in 2004 states that, “The sacred religion of Islam is the religion of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Followers of other faiths shall be free within the bounds of law in the exercise and performance of their religious rituals.” Majority of Afghans are Sunni Muslims…