Archive for April, 2017
Spring in Polish poetry Posted by Kasia on Apr 30, 2017

Spring is here! Well, almost…It’s starting slowly here in New England! There are so many beautiful Polish poems about Spring. Today I chose one by Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska. Enjoy! Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska “Babcia na wiosnę” “Grandma for Easter Niebo włożyło turban obłoczny z jaskółką, Jabłonie stoją w wielkich kapeluszach z kwiatów Szeptania-pogłaskania lecą z pyłem kwiatów…
How to politely refuse something in Polish Posted by Kasia on Apr 26, 2017

We all know that English is very widely spoken in Poland, especially by younger generations. But, a few basic phrases in Polish will always come in handy, and will always be met with approval by your listeners. Polish people tend to be rather in awe of anyone who attempts to speak their language, and even the most…
Everyone experiences embarrassing situations while learning new language. Posted by Kasia on Apr 21, 2017

Don’t get discouraged, it happens to all of us! We learn from our mistakes. And although at that point it could be the most embarrassing situation…we remember it forever and probably talk about it later in life, laughing out loud:):):) In 1977 president Jimmy Carter visited Poland. He said he wanted to learn about the Polish…
What to put in a traditional Polish Easter Basket? Posted by Kasia on Apr 14, 2017

Easter is almost here! On Holy Saturday (Wielka Sobota) every Polish household prepares an Easter basket (święconka) which is full of goods that will be eaten on Easter breakfast – the most celebrated Easter meal in Polish culture. In the basket there is usually some bread, eggs, ham, lamb-shaped cake, sausages, salt, horseradish, ćwikła and nowadays…
Why horseradish is a must on a Polish Easter table? Posted by Kasia on Apr 12, 2017

Easter (Święta Wielkanocne) is a happy holiday, an affirmation of life for Christians all over the world. Most people everywhere celebrate it with joy. Tears are also a part of the Polish tradition, although crying isn’t so much because of the emotion… It’s the horseradish of course! Horseradish is a symbolic food on the Easter table that affects…
No housework today and enjoy some cold Polish beer instead! Posted by Kasia on Apr 7, 2017

Today it’s National Beer Day (Narodowy Dzień Piwa)…and also National No Housework Day (Narodowy Dzień Bez Prac Domowych) – a match made in heaven:) ! 7 was always my lucky number! While this “special day” is not celebrated in Poland, I bet lot’s of Poles would be excited to have this “holiday” in their calendar! So…