Archive for December, 2019
What Christmas gifts did you get from Poland this year? Posted by Kasia on Dec 31, 2019

Chances are you are living in Poland temporarily and visiting your family back in USA for Christmas. You probably are bringing some gifts along with you, or if you are not visiting them, you may be sending a Christmas package with gifts/souvenirs. Or you were born in Poland and live abroad now. You probably got…
Beautiful Christmas Lights in Warsaw Posted by Kasia on Dec 30, 2019

Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday! Every year I wait for decorating Christmas tree and the house! When the days are getting shorter and it’s time to recharge the batteries and face the winter with energy, why not enjoy all the Christmas decorations and lights? Visiting Warsaw will be a great idea this time of…
Carp in the bathtub? Posted by Kasia on Dec 24, 2019

As most of you know, carp (karp) has a special place on the table during Christmas in Poland. It is one of the main dishes and you just simply have to have it. But getting from river (or carp farm) to table is not so simple. As the tradition goes, the Christmas carp must first…
A must read about Polish Christmas customs Posted by Kasia on Dec 23, 2019

Polish Christmas traditions are among the richest and most colorful in the world! If you want to read all about them, including traditional food, ornaments making, Christmas plays and many more amazing things about Christmas in Poland, then I have just a perfect book for you! It is a book that I bought online couple…
Magical Christmas Markets in Poland Posted by Kasia on Dec 22, 2019

So many people talk about European’s Christmas Markets. And yes, Poland has many amazing ones! Beautiful Christmas lights, gigantic Christmas trees, tasty local food, mulled wine and gingerbread, a beautiful ice rink, original and handmade Christmas gifts, Christmas concerts. These are the ingredients for your next Christmas holiday in Poland, with family, with friends, alone or…
My top three Polish tunes of the last decade Posted by Kasia on Dec 16, 2019

Charles Darwin once remarked: “If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.” Albert Einstein declared: “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician.” Jimi Hendrix called music his “religion.” We…
Make sure to visit Warsaw University of Technology this weekend! Posted by Kasia on Dec 6, 2019

There is a lot happening at the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska) this weekend, so make sure to stop by if you are in the area. It is called International Festival of Warsaw. So far 21 countries are part of this International Festival (Festiwal Międzynarodowy). So what is it exactly? I have never attended…