Archive by Author
Looking back at some of my favorite posts! Posted by Kasia on Mar 31, 2022

I have start with some sad news…Unfortunately Polish blog is being discontinued and this is going to be my last time writing for you. It was a pleasure sharing all I know about Poland and Polish language with all of you for the past 12 years! I wanted to look back at some of…
Hurdy Gurdy in Polish folk music Posted by Kasia on Mar 29, 2022

Have you ever heard of Hurdy-Gurdy? In Polish called lira korbowa (crank lyre), it dates back to medieval times. It is definitely an interesting instruments that is becoming popular again. In Poland, the hurdy gurdy appeared in the 17th century and it gained extraordinary popularity in the nineteenth century. This instrument played an important role…
Have you visited Multimedia Fountain Park in Warsaw? Posted by Kasia on Mar 21, 2022

Located a short walk from the Old Town, “Multimedia Fountain Park” (Multimedialny Park Fontann) is a visual delight combining music, light and fountains! It is a great place to cool off and relax with friends and family. This tourist attraction was opened in May 2011 and it can get a little crowded sometimes…but the show…
Celebrating International Women’s Day in a different way this year… Posted by Kasia on Mar 8, 2022

Today is International Women’s Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Kobiet). Usually, it is filled with flowers, chocolate and happy celebration…But recent news from Ukraine changed a lot. Today I look at this day in a slightly different way… In the reality we’ve all found ourselves, today is about the brave women all around the world, but specifically…
My favorite parts of “The zookeeper’s wife” Posted by Kasia on Feb 28, 2022

I have to start with a statement that “The zookeepers wife” is a very emotional and heart-wrenching story…no matter if you are reading a book or watching a movie. So better get a box of tissues ready… I have read a book and watched a movie. It is a true story of how the keepers of the…
Dog commands in Polish Posted by Kasia on Feb 25, 2022

There are quite a lot of dog training commands in different languages. Dog commands in Polish are quite interesting. Often, dogs start their training by learning simple commands, such as “sit” and “stay,” though later on they may be trained in more specific ways, such as how to stay in a crate without whining or how…
What is the idea behind Fat Thursday in Poland? Posted by Kasia on Feb 23, 2022

Also known as Donut Day (Tłusty Czwartek), it is one of the most anticipated days in Poland for all sweets lovers! Fat Thursday is tomorrow, but do you know the history of it? Why pączki and faworki? You know that tomorrow the whole Poland is going to go crazy for donuts! From morning to evening…