Polish Language Blog

Archive for 'Nature'

What are the most popular National Parks in Poland? Posted by on Jun 26, 2014

Poland has 23 national parks, many of which have also been designated UNESCO world biosphere reserve areas, securing their position as some of the world’s most fascinating and unique natural habitats. Since 1933, when the Polish government created the country’s first national park, the Biebrzański Park Narodowy (The Biebrza National Park), a vast area of…

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Gardening time! Posted by on Jun 12, 2014

Summer is here…we waited for this season very long here in New Hampshire! And what is more fun and relaxing if not gardening? How about gardening in Poland? The tradition of gardening (tradycyjne pgrodnictwo) is long and deeply established in Poland. Gardening is seen as a way to rest (odpoczywać), relax in the fresh air…

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Zimowy poemat Posted by on Dec 30, 2013

Snowy winter always make me think about poetry…so it is time for a snowy poem by Krystyna Kunigiel-Jabłońska! Zimowy poemat Gdy ludzie zgonieni po codziennym trudzie, do snu ułożyli pomęczone głowy, za oknem czarodziej wziął się do roboty, by z nową nadzieją – dać im dzień zimowy. When people tired after daily toil, They put…

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Why is Polish golden autumn so beautiful? Posted by on Oct 2, 2013

You probably heard about Polish Golden autumn…It is beautiful…Although after living in the White Mountains, New Hampshire for the last few years, I have to say it is amazing here as well:) Golden Polish autumn, (Złota Polska Jesień) – that’s the phrase commonly used to describe this season. Summer is gone, the winter is approaching…

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Moja ty żabko! Moja myszko! It looks like Polish couples love animals! Posted by on Sep 3, 2013

I bet all of you know the story about the princess and the frog! Well, most of you probably heard that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince! I met my prince and stayed with “Kochanie” (honey). However if you meet your Polish prince/princess, you will find it pretty…

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What is so great about Poland? Posted by on Aug 13, 2013

Banish the grey and gloomy image. Savvy travellers know Poland offers a rich history, cool cities, stunning scenery and unusual activities! Long scorching summers; endless nearly-white sand beaches; wild mountains and vast forests; national parks that are home to lynx, wolves and golden eagles; homely accommodation and affordable transport; history to entertain the geekiest of…

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Wakacyjne wspomnienia, holiday memories in a rhyme:))) Posted by on Jul 31, 2013

Summer is here and we should be having fun! Kids are at the camps or spending time with their families:) Here is a little rhyme in Polish about holiday memories and the summer: Wakacyjne wspomnienia Gdy kwitną akacje –już czas na wakacje. 
To okres wesoły, bez książek i szkoły. 
Bo lato i słońce – to…

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