Polish Language Blog

Celebrating International Women’s Day in a different way this year… Posted by on Mar 8, 2022 in History, Phrases, Politics

Today is International Women’s Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Kobiet). Usually, it is filled with flowers, chocolate and happy celebration…But recent news from Ukraine changed a lot. Today I look at this day in a slightly different way…

Ukraine Flag. Image by ELG21 on Pixabay.

In the reality we’ve all found ourselves, today is about the brave women all around the world, but specifically women from Ukraine and also women from all of the countries who are helping Ukraine in any way they can.
Dear wives (żony), mothers (matki), daughters (córki), grandmothers (babcie) and granddaughters (wnuczki), fleeing the war in Ukraine, leaving your families, your assets – your current life. I want you to know that so many people around the world do their best to help you in this terrible reality. Although the situation is very difficult and it is becoming more and more serious day by day, we will try our best to help you survive this terrible time.
I also admire all Polish women (and women from other helping countries), tireless volunteers (niestrudzone wolontariuszki), brave organizers (odważne organizatorki).
From the very beginning, when the war broke out in Ukraine, they selflessly helped refugees. They helped when the terrified families came to Poland, they helped to navigate in a foreign cities, reach a safe place, organize a roof over your head, first need articles, childcare, medical aid. Helping families to get on their feet.
You are all heroes! Be brave!
We celebrate all of you today!
Here is to all strong women!
May we know them,
May we raise them,
May we be them!

Image by Hansuan_Fabregas on Pixabay


I also put together a list of useful words, phrases, people and places in Polish you should probably know when following the crisis.
War – Wojna
Kiev – Kijów
Russia – Rosja
Attack – Atak
Invasion – Inwazja
Sanctions – Sankcje
Nuclear Weapons – Bronie Nuklearne
Evacuation – Ewakuacja
Refugees – Uchodźcy
Ceasefire – Zawieszenie Broni
United Nations – Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych
Military Help – Pomoc Wojskowa
Fighter Jets – Myśliwce
Civilians – Cywile
Military Tanks – Czołgi Wojskowe
Long Live Ukraine – Niech Żyje Wolna Ukraina
Glory to Ukraine – Chwała Ukrainie


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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.