Archive for 'History'
Hurdy Gurdy in Polish folk music Posted by Kasia on Mar 29, 2022

Have you ever heard of Hurdy-Gurdy? In Polish called lira korbowa (crank lyre), it dates back to medieval times. It is definitely an interesting instruments that is becoming popular again. In Poland, the hurdy gurdy appeared in the 17th century and it gained extraordinary popularity in the nineteenth century. This instrument played an important role…
Celebrating International Women’s Day in a different way this year… Posted by Kasia on Mar 8, 2022

Today is International Women’s Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Kobiet). Usually, it is filled with flowers, chocolate and happy celebration…But recent news from Ukraine changed a lot. Today I look at this day in a slightly different way… In the reality we’ve all found ourselves, today is about the brave women all around the world, but specifically…
My favorite parts of “The zookeeper’s wife” Posted by Kasia on Feb 28, 2022

I have to start with a statement that “The zookeepers wife” is a very emotional and heart-wrenching story…no matter if you are reading a book or watching a movie. So better get a box of tissues ready… I have read a book and watched a movie. It is a true story of how the keepers of the…
The charm of the Old Town in Warsaw Posted by Kasia on Jan 28, 2022

With a labyrinth of winding cobblestone streets, picturesque plazas with plenty of old world charm and ornate tenement facades, it is easy to understand why the Old Town in Warsaw is such a popular tourist area. But did you know that The Old Town Square (Rynek Starego Miasta) had been reduced to a pile of…
Poland remembers Holocaust survivals Posted by Kasia on Jan 27, 2022

January 27th marks the 77th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp (wyzwolenie obozu koncentracyjnego Auschwitz). The U.N. General Assembly designated International Holocaust Remembrance Day on November 1, 2005 , and chose January 27th, the day that Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by Soviet troops in 1945, an International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Millions of people, most of them Jews…
Three Kings’ Day in Poland Posted by Kasia on Jan 6, 2022

The holiday of Three Kings’ Day ( Dzień Trzech Króli), which takes place on January 6th, marks the end of the Christmas season in impressive style throughout Poland. The holiday commemorates the Biblical visit of the Three Kings to little Jesus soon after he was born. The Wise Men, after a long journey from the East, each of them…
Let’s talk about kiełbasa… Posted by Kasia on Nov 18, 2021

We know it originated in Poland and it is now enjoyed all around the world! I bet all of you have tasted this food in some kind of form! May it be from the grill, smoked, on a sandwich, in a hunter’s stew, on a pizza, in a soup. But how much do you actually…