Grading system in Poland is slightly different than here, in USA. I really started noticing differences once my older daughter started school last year.
Here is how grading system looks like in Poland:
The most commonly used system is using numbers!
6 Celujący (Excellent) A+
5 Bardzo Dobry (Very Good) A
4+ Dobry plus (Fairly Good) B+
4 Dobry (Good) B
3+ Dostateczny Plus (Satisfactory Plus) C+
3 Dostateczny (Satisfactory) C
2+ Dopuszczający/Mierny plus (Passing) D+
2 Dopuszczający/Mierny (Passing) D
1 Niedostateczny (Unsatisfactory) F
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Grades (especially expressed numerically) might be suffixed with + (plus) or – (minus). On rare occasions the = (double minus) is used, especially as 2= to express the very lowest passing grade.
Before 1990, grades 1 and 6 were not used (I remember 2-5 grading from the early years of school and then when it changed to 1-6). It was the grade 2 that was called “insufficient”. 3=, also called trzy na szynach was the very lowest passing grade. The grade 6 might have been issued on very rare occasions (e.g. for “making the teacher speechless”).
Degrees granted in Poland:
Bachelor (BA, Licencjat)
Obtained following the completion of 3-3,5 year-long vocational/technical college studies
Bachelor (BSc, Inżynier)
Obtained following the completion of 3,5-4 year-long college studies in technical sciences, agriculture and economy.
Master (MA, MSc, Magister)
Equivalent degrees: Master of Art, Master Engineer, Master Engineer Architect, qualified physician, dental surgeon or veterinarian. Granted following the completion of 5-6 year long uniform university studies. The MSc may also be obtained following the completion of 2-2,5 years-long supplementary mater’s degree studies which may be taken by persons with a college diploma.
Doktor (PhD, Doktor)
A degree awarded to those who pass doctoral exam and successfully defend dissertation. To qualify for the academic degree of doctor one must hold a master or equivalent degree.
As for recognition of diplomas, all the regulations regarding the validation of diplomas, and a list of countries which have signed an agreement of mutual recognition of diplomas with Poland, are available on the webpage of the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange (