Polish Language Blog

Joseph Mallord William Turner’s artwork in Kraków Posted by on Dec 2, 2011 in Culture, Current News, Places to visit

Today something for those of you who are interested in Impressionism and Symbolism in the art’s world.

The artworks by Joseph Mallord William Turner will be on display between October 15th , 2011 and January 8th , 2012 at the Main Building of the National Museum in Kraków.

For the first time in Poland, the National Museum in Kraków presents an exhibition of works by Joseph Mallord William Turner, greatest of the English Romantic painters and precursor of Impressionism and Symbolism, an artist who, in his landscapes of water and clouds, came close to abstract painting.

Compiled by the Bucerius Kunst Forum in Hamburg, the exhibition consists of eighty-four of Turner’s paintings of the elements, earth, air, fire and water. The works come from the Tate Gallery and several other English and American collections.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a programme of events including meetings, discussions and guided tours.

Joseph Mallord William Turner (23 April 1775 – 19 December 1851) was an English Romantic landscape painter, watercolourist and printmaker. Turner was considered a controversial figure in his day, but is now regarded as the artist who elevated landscape painting to an eminence rivalling history painting. Although renowned for his oil paintings, Turner is also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting. He is commonly known as “the painter of light” and his work is regarded as a Romantic preface to Impressionism.

His artwork is truly amazing! If you are going to be in Kraków in December or beginning of January, try to find some time to visit National Museum and check out this great exhibition!

Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)

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About the Author: Kasia

My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.