Kalendarz – From Days to a Year Posted by Katarzyna on Sep 20, 2010 in Vocabulary
Well I had a great post for you all on Friday. Minor hitch – my special characters are not coming through. So after a few times of copying and pasting with the same issue coming up, I scrapped it and decided to finish another one I had (I’ll post the other one when I get it fixed). And I have to thank a reader for inspiring me, because this one is written as an answer to their question. So to the one who requested, thank you for the request and hopefully I answer you well.
Poniedziałki. Mondays. It doesn’t matter where you live or what language you speak, the days can just be awful. You enjoy a weekend, rest and relax and then the dreaded day comes to start the work week over again. Well, I thought I might ease us into the week, this week, with a post on days, times of day and everything related. I am also going to swing you to a previous post, Adverbs of Time. It too will be very helpful in helping you speak to the topic.
So, very quickly, let’s roll through the dni tygodnia (days of the week):
- Niedziela – Sunday
- Poniedziałek – Monday
- Wtorek – Tuesday
- Środa – Wednesday
- Czwartek – Thursday
- Piątek – Friday
- Sobota – Saturday
One thing my six year old picked up quickly was Wednesday. He recently learned the word for middle in Polish, which is środek. When we were going through the days of the week and he heard środa, he asked me if Wednesday and middle were the same word in Polish. I said not quite, but Wednesday is the middle day of the week, this it’s called Środa in Polish. If you ask him what day wtorek or czwartek are, he sometimes gets it right. Środa, however, is one he always knows. I am hoping that helps one of our novice learners out there.
Moving on, there are different parts of the dzień (day) too. Most of us wake and the day begins with rano (morning). Then the zegar (clock) chimes 12 and we have południe (noon). Minutes after that, we have popołudnie (afternoon). We busy ourselves and get food together to enjoy our dinner in the wieczór (evening). And now that the days are getting shorter, noc (night) is creeping in sooner and sooner codzienny (everyday). Finally, if you’re a nocny marek (night owl) like me, you probably catch the clock striking 12 a second time, marking północ (midnight).
Dzisiaj (today), we have covered dni (days) and how seven together form a tydzień (week). Weeks turn into miesiące (months), and after twelve months, we rack a a rok (year). One more list I want to give you is each miesiąc (month) in Polish. I am hoping it is helpful, and really helps in reviewing the kalendarz (calendar) overall.
- Styczeń – January
- Luty – February
- Marzec – March
- Kwiecień – April
- Maj – May
- Czerwiec – June
- Lipiec – July
- Sierpień – Aigust
- Wrzesień – September
- Październik – October
- Listopad – November
- Grudzień – December
Okay, I think I have covered everything that I promised. This topic is an easier one and it really isn’t too much vocabulary overload. And it is definitely useful info you can use in your day to day. I shared a quick learning lesson that I shared with my son. If there are ways that you remember days or months that are helpful to you, please share in our comments. It might be helpful to someone else too!
And it has been so long since I have shared some of my beloved disco polo favorites with you. So wait no more, dear readers, wait no more. The song is a learning tool – the refrain talks about several words we covered – dzien, noc, jutro (uses declined version jutra in the song). The band, a favorite of mine, is zespól Top One and the song is Bliska Moim Myślom. Listen and love it.
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