Polish wedding vows Posted by Kasia on Jan 28, 2013 in Culture
My husband and I got married in Poland. It was a beautiful wedding! We had guests mainly from Poland, but about 18 of our family and friends from USA made it as well.
We thought about wedding vows (przysięga małżeńska) and which language should we use to say it. At the end we decided to say the vows each in our native language. The priest was also very nice and during the mass he said a lot of things in English, to feel my husband’s family more comfortable and welcomed.
If you ever decide to say your vows in Polish, here is the traditional way they are written ( i will add video with pronunciation). Of course you can choose to write your own vows:)
In church:
“Ja …(imię Pana Młodego) biorę Ciebie…(imię Panny Młodej) za żonę i ślubuję Ci miłość, wierność i uczciwość małżeńską, oraz że Cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci. Tak mi dopomóż Panie Boże Wszechmogący w Trójcy Jedyny i Wszyscy Święci.”
“I … (name of the Groom) take you … (name of the Bride) to be my wife, and swear you love, marital fidelity and honesty and that I will not leave you until death do us part.. So help me Lord God Almighty in Trinity and All Saints.”
“Ja….(imię Panny Młodej) biorę Ciebie… (imię Pana Młodego) za męża i ślubuję ci miłość, wierność i uczciwość małżeńską oraz że cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci. Tak mi dopomóż Panie Boże Wszechmogący w Trójcy Jedyny i Wszyscy Święci.”
“I … (name of the Bride) take you … (name of the Groom) to be my husband, and swear you love, marital fidelity and honesty and that I will not leave you until death do us part. So help me Lord God Almighty in Trinity and All Saints.”
If you will have a wedding at the Urząd stanu cywilnego (USC) – it is like an office for JP – here is what you usually say there:
“Świadomy praw i obowiązków wynikających z założenia rodziny, uroczyście oświadczam, że wstępuje w związek małżeński z (…imię Panny Młodej) i przyrzekam, że uczynię wszystko aby nasze małżeństwo, było zgodne, szczęśliwe i trwałe.”
I am aware of the rights and obligations of a family, solemnly declare that enters into marriage of (… name of the Bride) and I promise that I will do everything that our marriage was in line, happy and lasting.
“Świadoma praw i obowiązków wynikających z założenia rodziny, uroczyście oświadczam, że wstępuje w związek małżeński z (…imię Pana Młodego) i przyrzekam, że uczynię wszystko aby nasze małżeństwo, było zgodne, szczęśliwe i trwałe.”
There are many similar versions though and you may have heard something different. These are very popular and I think most common as well.
Do następnego razu… (Till next time…)

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About the Author: Kasia
My name is Kasia Scontsas. I grew near Lublin, Poland and moved to Warsaw to study International Business. I have passion for languages: any languages! Currently I live in New Hampshire. I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Language’s Polish Blog since 2010.
I was married in Poland in 1976 and could only speak and understand a little Polish. I was married first in a civil ceremony and then the religious ceremony. I honestly don’t remember saying this, and my wife said I must have said it. Interestingly I had a extremely hard time saying this then and even today it would be difficult.
Opps correction – 1977!
Thank you SO much for this. My fiancé, Łukasz is also from Lublin, also moved to Warsaw for University and recently moved to the States (Seattle, WA) when we decided to take the leap and be together. I’m from Southern California and Mexican-American. We are having two wedding celebrations, the first in Seattle and the second in Lublin. I want to suprise him and say my vows in Polish and have been looking for the dialogue. I appreciate this very much! I’m also very interested I hearing more about your children being bilingual and I plan on reading more of your blog. My Polish is very limited, sadly, but I hope to learn more prior to having children as teaching them both Polish and English is very important to us. Thank you!
@Diana Thank you Diana! I’m glad I was able to help and good luck with everything! Send me a message anytime:)
Chloe Vaughan:
Thank you for your post.
I will be in a similar position to your husband in a few weeks as i am English and marrying my Polish fiance in his small town. I am not religious, yet we are having a RC ceremony. I have been told that I do not have to make my vows by swearing to God, but I have not been given any indication of what I have to actually say. I have been told I can say them in English though. Do you know what the vows would be in this situation?
Chloe Vaughan