Tag Archives: Polish food
Poland’s love of open-faced sandwiches Posted by Kasia on Aug 26, 2021

What comes to your mind when you think of a sandwich? I’m assuming it is a typical sandwich you see here in USA…two pieces of bread with whatever it comes in between…right? Well, you might be surprised by what you will see on a Polish table then, when there is a sandwich time! Have you…
Have you visited Poland during Pierogi Festival? Posted by Kasia on Jul 19, 2021

If you have, then you are lucky! If you haven’t – there is no time to waist! Start planning your trip, because the next Pierogi Festival is going to take place August 8th -14th in Kraków. Pierogi are one of my favorite dishes from Polish cuisine. Comfort food, absolutely delicious! Did you know about this…
How many of you have tried kaszanka: Polish blood sausage? Posted by Kasia on Apr 16, 2021

Every time I mention kaszanka/blood sausage to my friends…everyone just makes this horrible face…Well, people here in USA are not exactly used to eating blood sausage. Unless you grew up in Poland! Even though there are different regional varieties of this famous Polish delicacy, it typically consists of pork offal (podroby wieprzowe), animal’s blood (krew…
Do Poles celebrate International Pizza Day? Posted by Kasia on Feb 9, 2021

We sure love gołąbki, pierogi, bigos and pączki (we will have plenty of these in just couple of days!)…but we also love a good pizza! You heard it right, it might not be Italian quality, but Poles are great pizza makers as well! And they sure know about International Pizza Day! And what a better day…
Let’s have some gołąbki! Posted by Kasia on Nov 25, 2014
I’m not a big cook…but I really enjoy cooking traditional Polish meals! I always kept telling my dad that my future husband will cook for me! He used to say: “You will never find a husband who will cook for you all the time!” Well..I did…Although I really enjoy making traditional Polish meals! And my…
Not so Miserable Mizeria Posted by Anna on Aug 23, 2009
I was talking about my favorite Polish dishes the other day, and while all I could think of was “yummy” and “I’m so hungry right now”, the comment my friend made was “that name sounds absolutely miserable.” Of course, she was referring to “mizeria”, which is definitely, hands down my most favorite Polish thing to…