Portuguese Language Blog

Archive for December, 2019

Retrospectiva 2019 Posted by on Dec 31, 2019

Boa noite, caros leitores! Good evening, dear readers! Como foi o ano de vocês? How has your year been? The Brazilian people are known for their joy, but in 2019 this character trait was put to the test. This is mostly due to the fact that it has been quite a tough year, with a…

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The three most popular Brazilian Christmas songs Posted by on Dec 23, 2019

[As três canções mais populares de Natal do Brasil] Feliz natal a todos! Merry Christmas, everyone! Músicas natalinas (Christmas songs) are pervasive around this time of the year to get everybody in the holiday spirit. In Brazil, however, the genre never really seemed to take off. But over the years, some recordings on the theme have…

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Time for our Christmas recipe: Tender Posted by on Dec 10, 2019

Saudações a todos os leitores! Greetings to all readers! So it is dezembro (December) already. But before the New Year rolls in, it is time to focus our energies on the main event: A ceia de natal (Christmas dinner). As we have mentioned in other Holidays-related posts, Brazilians are all about véspera de natal (Christmas…

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