A foreigner’s experience in Brazil – An interview Posted by carol on Oct 18, 2018 in Brazilian Profile, Culture, Uncategorized, Vocabulary
Olá a todos! Hello to all! Como vocês têm passado? How have you been doing?
As Portuguese learners, it is likely that some of you have considered the possibility of coming to Brazil someday. Some of you might even be already. If so, what is it like? Based on this curiosity, I have conducted a series of short interviews with foreign colleagues who decided to start their lives here and asked them to share their opinions and impressions of the country. Some of them have recently moved, others have lived here for over ten years. What matters is each story is unique yet very informative on what it is like being here. Today’s interview will feature Charmaine Escober.
Name: Charmaine
Place of Origin: Newark, California, USA
Current City: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Occupation: English Teacher
Why you are here: For a certain Brazilian man!
Your college education: B.A. in Liberal Arts – International Studies
Age: 29
1) Qual foi o aspecto mais desafiador da sua vinda ao Brasil?
- Além da língua, acho que se ajustar a um novo lugar novamente. Eu tinha acabado de estar na Colômbia por dois anos, fui para casa por um mês e, de repente, estava em outro país.
(What was the most challenging aspect about your coming to Brazil? Other than the language, I think it was adjusting to a new place again. I had just been in Colombia for 2 years, went home for a month, and then suddenly I was in another country. )
2) Qual é o seu processo de aprendizado em português?
- Até agora todos foram muito gentis comigo e entenderam que sou iniciante. Eu tenho tido aulas na escola em que trabalho. Também ajuda que meus sogros não falam inglês, então eu tenho que aprender a me comunicar com eles. Estranhos também gostam de falar comigo enquanto estou esperando no ponto de ônibus!
(What is your Portuguese learning process? So far everyone has been really kind to me and have understood that I’m a beginner. I have been taking lessons at the school I work at. It also helps my in-laws don’t speak any English, so I have to learn how to communicate with them. Strangers also like to talk to me sometimes while I’m waiting at the bus stop! )
3) Do que você mais gosta no país?
- A comida! Tudo é tão fresco. Adoro ir a sacolões e ver o que há de novo. Ah e churrasco e açaí …
(What do you like the most about the country? The food! Everything is so fresh. I love going to sacalãos and seeing what’s new. Oh and churrasco and açai…)
4) O que você acha dos brasileiros até agora?
- Eles me parecem pessoas calorosas e amigáveis que são próximos de suas famílias. Os almoços de domingo com os parentes são os melhores :). Eles também têm um senso de humor engraçado.
(How do Brazilians strike you so far? They strike me as warm and friendly people who are close to their families. Sunday lunches with the in-laws are the best :). They also have a funny sense of humor)
What about you? Share your thoughts on the comment section!
Uma boa semana! Have a good week!
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