Last week, we took a look at the adjective arrasado. This week, we’re going to look at the verb arrasar, which has a few similar negative meanings, and a few very different positive connotations.
1. Destroy, devastate (literally or emotionally)
As chuvas arrasaram a Região Serrana do Rio. The rains devastated Rio’s mountain region.
A namorada arrasou o garoto quando acabou o namoro. The girlfriend destroyed the boy when she ended the relationship.
2. Raze, tear down
O incêndio arrasou o prédio velho. The fire razed the old building.
3. Criticize, trash [slang]
O Ricky Gervais arrasou com os convidados durante os Prêmios Globo de Ouro. Ricky Gervais trashed the guests at the Golden Globe Awards.
O blogueiro sempre arrasa com os outros. The blogger always trash talks others.
4. Go for it! Kick some butt! [Slang]
Vai competir hoje? Arrasa, menina! Are you competing today? Kick some butt, girl!
Seu encontro é amanhã? Arrasa! Is your date tomorrow? Go for it!
5. Well done! [Slang]
Boa ideia! Arrasou! Good idea! Well done.
6. Do a great job; look great [Slang]
Você arrasou na apresentação! You did great at the performance!
A modelo arrasou no show. The model looked great during the show.
Note: the last three slang phrases are more commonly used by women.
Can you give some more examples of how to use arrasar?