At the hotel, em português Posted by Adir on Mar 22, 2013 in Vocabulary
Olá, tudo bem com vocês?
Brazil is going to host the World Cup next year and I’m pretty sure that some of you are planning to come down here to enjoy the feast, right?
Well, oftentimes hotel employees speak some English, but I think you’d be better off knowing some basic survival Portuguese to use in hotels. So, are you ready to start learning? Vamos lá!
Você tem vaga para 1 pessoa para o dia…? – Do you have anything available for 1 person on (day)…?
Eu tenho uma reserva. – I have a reservation.
Em nome de… – Under the name…
Aqui está o comprovante. – Here’s the confirmation.
Eu quero um quarto para 2 pessoas. – I want a room for 2 people.
Para 2 noites. – For 2 nights.
Quanto é a diária? – How much is that a night?
Tem TV a cabo nos quartos? – Does the room have cable TV?
Tem banheiro no quarto? – Is there a bathroom in the room?
Com café da manhã? – Is breakfast included?
Tem alguma vista? – Does it have a view?
Eu gostaria de uma vista para o mar, se possível. – I’d like a view facing the ocean if possible.
Preciso ser acordado às 6 horas. – I need a wake up call at six.
A que horas é o check-out? – What time is check out?
Como faço para conseguir uma linha? – How do I get an outside line?
Posso deixar minha bagagem na recepção? – Can I leave my bags at the front desk?
Posso deixar meus objetos de valor no cofre? – Can I leave my valuables in the safe?
Você pode me informar sobre as atrações locais? – Do you have information on local attractions?
Posso comprar ingressos aqui para…? – Can I buy tickets here for the…?
Onde fica o … mais próximo? – Where is the nearest…?
Tem algum recado para mim? – Do I have any messages?
O … está quebrado. – The … is broken.
A pia / o ralo do banheiro está entupido. – The sink / shower drain is clogged.
O vaso não está dando descarga. – The toilet isn’t flushing.
Não tem água quente. – There’s no hot water.
A minha chave não funciona. – My key isn’t working.
O ar-condicionado não está funcionando. – The air-conditioning isn’t working.
Será que tem alguém para consertá-lo? – Could I get someone to fix it, please?
Eu gostaria de trocar as toalhas no quarto 22, por favor. – I’d like some fresh towels in room 22, please.
Gostaria de trocar de quarto, por favor. – I’d like to change rooms, please.
Gostaria de ficar mais um dia, por favor. – I’d like to keep the room an extra day, please.
Gostaria de fechar a conta / fazer checkout, por favor. – I’d like to check out, please.
Você poderia fazer uma conta separada para o telefone, por favor? – Could you put my phone calls on a separate bill, please?
Aqui é do quarto 22. Vocês poderiam mandar alguém vir buscar a bagagem, por favor? – This is room 22. Could you send someone for our luggage, please?
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About the Author: Adir
English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.
Margaret Nahmias:
I love the blog It is full useful vocabulary. Adir, I have question for you, when you learned Spanish did you find that you confused it alot with Portuguese. I am quit fluent in Spanish and I am studying Portguese now and I find I confuse some words.
Adir Ferreira:
Margaret, I confused it a lot with English, to be honest. Even today when I switch languages I sometimes have a hard time. For example, I have an English student from Uruguay, so some of my explanations are in Spanish, while speaking English.
It’s very common to get mixed up with the languages so don’t worry!
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