Archive by Author
Beginner’s Guide to Brazilian Portuguese (Free eBook) Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 23, 2017

If you’re a fan of this blog, you’ll love our new Beginner’s Guide to Brazilian Portuguese. Here on the Portuguese blog, we post a variety of content for learners of all levels. For the beginners among us who haven’t combed through our archives, you may be missing some of our older, but extremely useful introductory…
Portuguese Numbers 1 – 20 Posted by Transparent Language on Nov 27, 2012
If you’re new to Portuguese, we’ve created this simple table of Portuguese numbers from 1 to 20 just for you. We’ve also included a video with voice pronunciation. Listen to it a few times, and make sure to practice saying the words out loud too; this will really help you retain the information. When you’re ready…
Portuguese Blog Move Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 5, 2008
Dear Readers, We’re moving! You can now find Portuguese blog on WordPress, at the following address: Until we move the archives over to WordPress, you can find them at the old address, here. Thanks for understanding!
Brazilian Fruit Series: Part V Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 2, 2008
Today, we’re going to take a look at the graviola, also known as soursop and guanabana. The graviola fruit originally came from the Antilles and in Brazil, it’s grown in the Amazon and Northeast. It grows on a tree from four to six meters tall in a humid climate. The fruit itself, which is green…
Baby Anteater Found on Highway Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 1, 2008
This week, authorities rescued a five day-old baby tamanduá (anteater) on a major highway in Goiânia. Anteaters are forest-dwellers that feed on termites and ants. They can grow up to three meters long and can weigh up to forty kilograms. Some types of anteaters are endangered in Brazil due to habitat destruction.
Podcast: At a hotel Posted by Transparent Language on Sep 30, 2008
Click to hear the Podcast! Today, we’re going to learn how to check into a hotel in Portuguese. In Portuguese, it’s polite to greet someone based on the time of day, instead of a simple “hello” that we use in American English. Therefore, we use “boa tarde,” which means good afternoon. Brazilian Portuguese…
The Brazilian Pet Shop Industry Posted by Transparent Language on Sep 29, 2008
Known as “pet shops” (in English), these small businesses are amongst the most successful in Brazil. Dogs are popular pets and are often treated like children: owners buy them outfits, shoes, fancy collars, and doggie beds. Also, since Brazilians are very concerned about personal hygiene, they also keep their dogs very clean, often bringing them…