Portuguese Language Blog

Better Know Santa Catarina Posted by on Sep 24, 2010 in Geography, Learning

In a segment akin to Jon Stewart’s Better Know a District, except a bit more serious, Brazil’s big nighttime news show is featuring different states and cities leading up to the elections. Here’s one of the recent episodes, where they discuss the state of Santa Catarina and one of its cities, Joinville.

Watch the video and see what facts you pick up about one of Brazil’s southernmost states!



1. Which country heavily influenced traditional culture in Santa Catarina?

2. How large is the economy compared to the rest of the country?

3. Which positive social indicators does Santa Catarina have?

4. What is one of Santa Catarina’s most important industries?

5. What school does the reporter visit?


1. Germany

2. It has the 7th largest economy in Brazil

3. It has a low murder rate, a low child mortality rate, and a high literacy rate.

4. Metallurgy

5. Joinville’s famous Bolshoi Ballet school

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