[Brazilian Food] – Caldo de mandioca Posted by carol on Jun 14, 2017 in Brazilian Profile, Culture, Customs, Vocabulary
[Comida brasileira]
We’re in June! In Brazil this means temperatures are dropping and that it’s time for festas juninas, the popular festivities held esse mês (this month). To get you in the spirit, today we are going to learn a receita (recipe) for caldo de mandioca, a true Brazilian winter meal. It’s very fácil (easy) and simple to make, and within less than uma hora (an hour) you can prepare this conforting, wholesome and heart-warming recipe.
Palavras-chave/Keywords: cozinhar (cooking), comida (food), receita (recipe), prato típico (typical dish)
Caldo is a typical Brazilian dish that is primarily served during climas frios (cold weather). It is like a soup, but more consistent and thicker. There are many types of caldo; caldo verde (with potatoes and kale), caldo de feijão (with beans), caldo de mandioca and many others.
Mandioca may have many names, depending on the region you’re in. Also known as aipim and macaxeira, the tuber – called cassava or manioc in English – is a major staple food in the country and is widely used in culinary.
Find the recipe below. First, you’ll have the list in Portuguese. Read it carefully and see if you can identify any of the words and then check the translation in English (remember that in Brazil we adopt the metric system for units of measure, so quantities come in quilos – kg).
- 1kg de mandioca picada
- 500g de carne seca picada
- 1 cebola média picada
- Sal/ Pimenta
- Cebolinha
- Uma colher de azeite
- 2 dentes de alho
- 2 tomates sem sementes
Modo de fazer
- Cozinhe a mandioca com sal até que fique macia
- Leve ao liquificador e bata com a água do cozimento e o tomate até que atinja a consistência de um creme homogêneo
- Em uma panela, refogue a cebola, o alho e a carne seca
- Acrescente o creme de mandioca e misture tudo
- Decore com a cebolinha e sirva com pão
Version in English:
- 1kg of peeled and chopped manioc
- 500g of minced dried meat
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- Salt / Pepper
- Chive
- A spoonful of olive oil
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 tomatoes without seeds
- Cook the manioc with salt until it’s soft
- Blend the manioc with the cooking water and the tomato until it reaches the consistency of a smooth cream
- In a saucepan, saute the onion, the garlic and the dried meat
- Add the manioc cream to the saucepan and mix everything together
- Garnish with chives and serve with bread
Bom apetite!
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