Denilso de Lima, a fantastic and renowned Brazilian ESL professor, has a great post today in his blog Inglês na Ponta da Língua about breakfast. Though his post is intended for Portuguese speakers, the phrases and translation Denilso provides are very useful for those learning Portuguese. Please visit his blog if you are curious to read more of his posts. He is super gente boa (a really great guy) and a real master teacher.
>Fiquei sem tomar o café-da-manhã hoje. = I skipped breakfast this morning.
> Fazer o café-da-manhã = make breakfast, fix breakfast, prepare breakfast
> Tomar o café-da-manhã = have breakfast (drink e breakfast não combinam)
> Café-da-manhã reforçado = full breakfast; proper breakfast
> Café-da-manhã nutritivo = hearty breakfast
> Café-da-manhã às pressas = hasty breakfast, hurried breakfast
Denilso de Lima:
Hey… I really loved that description… Thank you very much for mentioning my humble blog in here… You are also muito gente boa or gente fina!