Archive for 'Brazilian News'
2021 Highlights Posted by carol on Dec 20, 2021

Olá, prezados leitores! So here we are again, ready to ring in the ano novo (new year). The past few years have been quite unstable and unpredictable. But one thing is for sure: our retrospectiva with the year’s highlights. That’s right, time to look back on the main facts and events that left a lasting…
Brazilian music icon dies in plane crash Posted by carol on Nov 8, 2021
Amid a deep economic, political, hygienic and environmental crisis, 2021 was hardly a year of joy and prosperity for Brazilians. And yet, tragedy strikes again. Na tarde de sexta-feira (on Friday afternoon), November 5th, Brazil perdeu (lost) the 26-year-old singer Marilia Mendonça, whose vida se encerrou (life ended) tragically after um acidente de avião (an airplane…
Celebrate Library Card Month with Poetry Posted by carol on Sep 30, 2021

[Comemore o mês do cartão de biblioteca com poesia] E aí, meus caros? What’s up, dear readers? As you may know, Library Card month is celebrated in Setembro (September) as a campaign to motivate people to se inscrever (sign up) and start borrowing some books. To get everyone in the reading spirit, I thought this…
Meet our Olympics mascot! Posted by carol on Aug 6, 2021

Olá a todos! Hey everyone! Vocês curtem esportes? Are you into sports? The long-awaited for Olimpíadas de Tóquio (Tokyo Olympics) are now in full-swing. Watching os jogos (the games) is a hugely entertaining experience, with both thrilling and dramatic moments that really keep us in our toes. And this major global event would not be…
Renting a place in Portuguese – Part II Posted by carol on Jul 30, 2021

Olá, pessoal! Hey, guys! Last week we spoke about a topic that affects the majority of people who spend an extended period of time abroad: alugar um imóvel (renting a place). Since this is an extensive topic, we went over os primeiros passos (the first steps) and now we’re moving on to more specific details…
Brazilian states – Rio Grande do Norte Posted by carol on Jun 30, 2021

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! If you have been keeping up with our series about the Estados brasileiros (Brazilian states), you might remember Rio Grande do Sul, terra do churrasco (land of barbecue) and chimarrão. But did you know that we have another state with a similar name in the opposite end of the…
Brazilian states: Distrito Federal Posted by carol on May 24, 2021

Bom dia, queridos leitores! It has happened to me many times. When I go about telling people that I’m from Brazil, quite a few of them tell me they’d love to visit its capital, Rio de Janeiro. Wait, what? Well, though Rio is undoubtely the most popular city here, its capital is actually Brasília! This…