Portuguese Language Blog

Archive for 'Learning'

Renting a place in Portuguese Posted by on Jul 22, 2021

Boa tarde, caros leitores! Good afternoon, dear readers! If you are currently living or plan on moving to a Portuguese-speaking country, chances are you had to learn a few things about how it works to alugar um imóvel (rent a property). I have lived in several places abroad and I know how stressful it can…

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More Brazilian musical instruments Posted by on Jul 9, 2021

Olá amigos leitores! Hello dear reader! We are back with a segunda parte (the second part) of our text about instrumentos musicais populares (popular musical instruments) in Brazil. If you missed the first part, we went over the cavaquinho, the berimbau, the agogô, the tambourine, the repique and the viola caipira. Click here to stay…

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More false diminutives in Portuguese Posted by on Jun 24, 2021

Olá, pessoal! Tudo certinho? As I told you in our previous post, the list of false diminutives in Portuguese can be long and language learners should be aware of them to avoid any possible misunderstandings (as we’ll see below!). So the time has come for part 2. Vamos nessa? Galinha | Hen É a fêmea…

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Which Brazilian musical instruments do you know? Posted by on Jun 18, 2021

Olá, queridos leitores! Como estão? Hope you’re in the mood for some music to kick off the weekend. I believe you all know how Brazilians are very orgulhosos (proud) of their vast musical culture. To get an idea, Spotify carried out a survey which revealed that we are the country that most ouve (listens to)…

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What are the false diminutives in Portuguese? Posted by on May 31, 2021

Olá, amigos leitores! Hoje bateu um friozinho aqui no Brasil, então a melhor coisa para este tempinho é tomar uma sopinha. If you are a frequent reader of our texts, probably the words “friozinho“, “tempinho” and “sopinha” are not strange to you. They, like many others, are part of Brazilian spoken language. No matter the…

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Brazilian states: Distrito Federal Posted by on May 24, 2021

Bom dia, queridos leitores! It has happened to me many times. When I go about telling people that I’m from Brazil, quite a few of them tell me they’d love to visit its capital, Rio de Janeiro. Wait, what? Well, though Rio is undoubtely the most popular city here, its capital is actually Brasília! This…

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Brazilian states: Piauí Posted by on Apr 30, 2021

Bom dia queridos leitores, it’s that time of the month: our ongoing series on Estados Brasileiros (Brazilian states). Our destino (destination) today may not be the one that would normally feature a list of the 10 most sought after lugares (places) in our country, however it is a region that boasts many belezas (beauties). One…

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