Portuguese Language Blog

Clothes and accessories in Portuguese Posted by on Jul 1, 2016 in Learning, Vocabulary


Oi, gente! Hey, you guys!

We’re in the middle of the year, which means winter has finally arrived to cool Brazilians off for a couple of months. It’s time to layer up, wear a jacket and a scarf to get warm in this cold weather. So how about we see some words related to roupas (clothes) and acessórios (accessories) to get prepared for this chilly season?

Roupas – Clothes

to finish

  1. vestido = dress
  2. saia = skirt
  3. blusa = blouse
  4. camiseta = t-shirt
  5. calça = pants
  6. short = shorts
  7. jaqueta = jacket
  8. suéter = sweater
  9. casaco = coat
  10. terno = suit

Roupas íntimas/ lingerie – underwear


  1. calcinha = panties
  2. cueca = underwear
  3. sutiã = bra
  4. meia-calça = tights
  5. pijama = pajama
  6. meia = sock

Sapatos/ calçados – shoes

new shus

  1. sapato = shoe
  2. sandália = sandal
  3. chinelo = flip flop
  4. salto alto = high heel
  5. sapatilha = flats
  6. bota = boots
  7. tênis = sneakers

Acessórios/ accessories


  1. bolsa = bag
  2. mochila = backpack
  3. cinto = belt
  4. óculos = glasses
  5. chapéu= hat
  6. boné = cap
  7. cachecol = scarf
  8. luvas = gloves
  9. gravata = tie
  10. relógio = watch

Estampas/ prints


  1. xadrez = plaid
  2. bolinhas/poá = polka-dots
  3. listrado = striped
  4. floral/florido = floral
  5. liso = solid

Tecidos e materiais (fabrics and materials):

  • Malha (mesh), couro (leather), lã (wool), renda (lace), velvet (veludo), algodão (cotton), jeans, seda (silk)

Em English, materials are used as adjectives (as in leather jacket, wool sweater, lace dress). In Portuguese, we use the connector “de” to indicate the material, as in: jaqueta de couro, suéter de lã, vestido de renda.

Let’s see some exemplos:

  • Usar terno em entrevistas de emprego causa uma boa impressão (Wearing a suit to a job interview leaves a good impression)
  • O guia aconselhou os turistas a usarem chapéu durante as caminhadas para se protegerem do sol (The guide advised the tourists to wear a hat during hikes to protect from the sun)
  • É bom você levar um casaco. Vai esfriar (You’d better take a coat. It’s about to get chilly)
  • Você pode me informar as horas? Esqueci meu relógio em casa (Can you tell me the time? I left my watch at home)
  • O vestido que Cate Blanchett usou no tapete vermelho foi um sucesso (The dress Cate Blachett wore on the red carpet was a success)
  • Você viu que a calça do professor está rasgada? (Did you see that the teacher’s pants are torn?)
  • Posso pegar seus óculos escuros emprestados para ir à praia? (Can I borrow your sunglasses to go to the beach?)
  • O que você vai vestir na festa da Marcela? Acho que só vou de calça jeans e uma camiseta (What are you wearing to Marcela’s party? I think I’ll just go with jeans and a t-shirt)

More useful vocabulary:

  • Vestir (to wear), moda (fashion), estilo (style), uniforme (uniform), se arrumar (to dress up), se aprontar (to get ready), colocar (to put on), tirar (to take off)

Check out this previous post on shopping to enrich your vocabulary and learn more: 

How to shop in Portuguese

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  1. jem:

    This is great! Obrigada!!