Like in other languages, superstition often works its way into Portuguese, and here’s a useful expression to know about jinxing and bad luck. Dar azar means to jinx, or to bring bad luck. Let’s see how it’s used.
Não quero dar azar, mas acho que vai chover. I don’t want to jinx it, but I think it’s going to rain.
Dá azar passar debaixo de escada. It’s bad luck to walk under a ladder.
Todo mundo cantou vitória antes da hora, e deu azar para o time. Everyone said they would win, but it brought the team bad luck.
Você acha que gato preto dá azar? Do you think black cats bring bad luck?
On the flip side, we have dar sorte, which means to bring good luck.
Dá sorte achar trevo de quatro folhas. It’s good luck to find a four-leaf clover.
O jogador falou que a filha dele deu sorte para o time. The player said that his daughter brought good luck to the team.
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