Portuguese Language Blog

Empada Recipe Posted by on Jul 15, 2011 in Uncategorized

Empadas are one of my favorite Brazilian snacks, though they shouldn’t be confused with empanadas from neighboring Latin American countries. They’re like quiches, and look like teeny tiny pies. They can be filled with just about anything – meat, cheese, fish, heart of palm, chocolate, fruit, you name it. Empadas, also known as empadinhas, originally come from Portuguese cuisine, and date back to medieval times.

Today, we’re going to learn how to make cheese empadas.

Receita de empada – Empada Recipe

Click here for the full written recipe from Sadia, and watch the video below! Even though the video was made for native Portuguese speakers, it seems designed to be kid-friendly, so it should be easier for Portuguese learners to understand.


Part I

Numa vasilha, coloque a farinha de trigo, a margarina e o sal. Misture com as pontas dos dedos até formar uma farofa. Aos poucos, adicione as gemas e 1 ½ colher (sopa) de água. Sove a massa até que ela fique uniforme. Leve à geladeira por 30 minutos coberta com plástico-filme.

Part II
•    Numa vasilha, misture o leite, o queijo, a margarina e os ovos. Reserve.
•    Abra pequenas porções de massa em forminhas de empada pequenas (4 cm de diâmetro). Asse em forno médio preaquecido (180 ºC) por aproximadamente 3 minutos.
•    Retire as forminhas do forno e recheie cada uma delas. Leve-as novamente ao forno por cerca de 8 minutos ou até que as empadas estejam com a superfície dourada. Na hora de servir, salpique a salsa.


For the recipe in English, click here!

If you travel in Brazil, make sure you try out empadas at one of the many empada chains you’ll find in big cities. My favorite in Rio de Janeiro is Dona Empada X, but there are plenty of places you can find them, including at the ubiquitous juice bars.

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