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Eleições Posted by on Nov 27, 2016 in Brazilian Profile, Customs, Vocabulary

Ei, gente!  Vamos falar de política? Let’s talk politics?

Esse mês (this month), North Americans elegeram (elected) their new president, the controversial billionaire Donald Trump. What did you think of the resultados (results)? Who would you have votado (voted) for?

In Brazil, munipal elections were also held last October, and each Brazilian town got to vote to chose their mayors and city councils. So everyone has been talking about política (politics) lately.

Were you interested in the debate? So hoje (today), we’ll see some words and expressions related to the eleições (elections).

Electronic voting machine

Electronic voting machine

Here are some palavras-chave (key-words) and their significados (meanings):

  • ganhar (win) x perder (lose)

Trump ganhou as eleições. Hillary perdeu.

No Rio de Janeiro, Crivella ganhou as eleições para prefeito (mayor) e Marcelo Freixo perdeu.

  • apoiar (to back) – to show support to a candidato
  • voting machine (urna) – an electronic machine used for votar
  • fazer campanha (to campaign) – to promote um candidato with the objetivo of getting him/her eleito
  • candidato (candidate) – a person who competes to be eleita
  • debate – a regulated formal discussão about a certain topic
  • democracia (democracy) – a system of governo (goverment) based in the igualdade (equality) between people
  • eleger (to elect)- to selecionar a candidate for the position
  • eleição (an election)- the processo of selecting a candidate
  • candidatar-se (to run for president)- to enter the eleição as a candidate
  • votar (to vote) – to express an opinião
  • partido político (political party) – a grupo of people with the same political convictions
  • político (politician)- a person who has uma carreira política (a political career)
  • política (politics)- activities of the government (governo)
  • justificativa de voto (absent voters)- voters who are not present on election day must justificar their vote

Now here are some examplos:

  • Ao invés de dois principais partidos políticos, como nos EUA, o Brasil tem um sistema de múltiplos partidos (Instead of two major political parties, like in the US, Brazil has a multi-party system)
  • O candidato oficial de um partido deve arrecadar dinheiro e obter apoio de outros membros do partido (A party’s official candidate has to raise money and gather support from party members)
  • O presidente é eleito para um mandato de quatro anos (A president is elected for a four-year term of office)
  • Os cidadãos devem ir às urnas e votar no candidato de sua escolha (Citizens go to a voting center and vote for the candidate of their choice)
  • A Dilma foi a primeira mulher a ter se candidatado à presidência no Brasil e ganhado (Dilma was the first woman to run for president in Brazil and win)
  • Os candidatos à presidência irão debater questões de plano de saúde e segurança pública na TV semana que vem (Presidential candidates are going to debate health care and public safety issues on TV next week)
  • A campanha presidencial de Donald Trump recebeu bastante atenção da mídia (Donald Trump’s presidential campaign received a lot of attention from the media)
  • Você sabe em quem vai votar nas próximas eleições? (Do you know who you are going to vote for in the next election?)
  • O impeachment de Dilma pode trazer um impacto à economia brasileira, deixando investidores ansiosos (Dilma’s impeachment may bring an impact to Brazilian economy, leaving investors anxious)
  • Eleições são realizadas a cada quatro anos (Elections are held every four years)
  • Michel Temer, o novo presidente do Brasil, é um membro do Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Michel Temer, Brazil’s new president,is a member of the Brazilian Democratic Party)
  • Canais como a Bandeirantes e outros organizam debates para todos os candidatos no país (Channels like Bandeirantes and others organize debates for all candidates in the country)
  • Os apoiadores de Trump estão empolgados com sua vitória (Trump supporters are excited about his victory)
  • Um candidato que vence deve dar um discurso de vitória (A candidate who wins must deliver a victory speech)
  • Em 2017, Trump será o 45º presidente norte-americano (In 2017, Donald Trump will become the 45th US president)
  • No Brasil, nós adotamos um sistema de voto eletrônico (In Brazil, we have adopted an electronic voting system)

Tenham uma boa semana!

Have a great week!

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