The verb enjoar has three principal meanings. We can conjugate enjoar de or use it as estar enjoado.
1. to feel nauseous
Ela está enjoada. Deixa ela sentar. She’s nauseous. Let her sit down.
Ficaram enjoados depois de ir na montanha russa. They felt nauseous after riding the roller coaster.
Enjoei muito porque comi o iogurte estragado. I got nauseous because I ate the spoiled yogurt.
2. to get tired of something
*note that you can use the present tense of estar enjoado and past tense of enjoar to say “I’m tired of…”
Estou enjoado deste programa. Podemos ver um filme? I’m sick of this TV show. Can we watch a movie?
Ele já enjoou desse jogo. He’s sick of that game.
3. bored with
Nós enjoamos desta matéria. We’re bored with this subject.
Enjoaram do campo. They’re bored with the countryside.