So I’ve been blown away by some of these runway shows these past few weeks going on in NY, London and Milan. And with this obsessing, came the realization I hadn’t talked to you all about fashion vocabulary here on the Portuguese Blog. Where are my fashion lovers who want to learn how to describe runway looks? (Or even really how to tell people what you want to try on in stores, or ask what you need to bring clothing-wise to certain places? 🙂
Here are some pictures from The Sartorialist and Garance Doré, to help us describe Spring 2011/2012 looks!

Moda de praia: Maiô Prada estampado com jaqueta, e sandália.
Beachwear: Print Prada bathing suit with parka and sandals.
Casaco Burberry, marrom e preto com listras horizontais e um cinto vermelho e bege com uma fivela preta.
Burberry coat with brown and black horizontal stripes and a beige and red belt with a black buckle.
Look Prada com blusa tomara que caia, e saia de couro marrom com bolsa de mão & sandália azul e dourada.
Prada look with strapless top, brown leather skirt, with a hand bag and blue and gold sandals.
Camisa de manga comprida azul e saia vinho do Marc Jacobs, com meia preta & scarpin vinho, combinando com a saia.
Long sleeve blue shirt and marroon skirt by Marc Jacobs, with black socks and marroon pumps, which match the skirt.
Na rua: Calça de perna larga & moletom com bolsa carteira verde.
On the street: Wide leg pants and sweater with green clutch.
Casaco Burberry listrado com saia no joelho & sandália que amarra no tornozelo.
Burberry striped coat with knee length skirt and ankle wrap sandals.
Vestido azul Fendi de manga curta, com óculos de sol, pulseira, bolsa grande e sandália.
Short sleeve blue Fendi dress paired with sunglasses, bracelet, big bag and sandals.
Menswear next week! \o/