Today we’re going to learn how to talk about having fun in Portuguese.
1. Curtir [coor-cheer]
This verb is slang for “to have fun” or “to enjoy.” It’s frequently used by young people to talk about going out and having a good time.
Curtimos muito a festa ontem. We had a lot of fun at the party yesterday.
Vou curtir muito o feriado. I’m going to enjoy the holiday.
2. Aproveitar [ah-proh-vay-tar]
This verb literally means “to take advantage of” but can also be used to mean “have a good time” or “have fun.”
Aproveitaram muito a viagem. They had a lot of fun on their trip.
VocĂȘ aproveitou o passeio no barco? Did you have fun on the boat ride?
3. Divertir-se [gee-vehr-cheer see]
This verb is the standard verb used to mean “to have fun.”
Me diverti muito no Rio. I had a lot of fun in Rio.
Ele se divertiu no jogo. He had fun at the game.
Haha! Brilliant!