Portuguese Language Blog

I’m moving out! Posted by on May 27, 2013 in Vocabulary


Hello, everybody!

I’m moving out to a new apartment and I had to buy all my furniture again (long story!) so I thought I’d share some house vocabulary with you guys today since I’m in the middle of a bit of a mess!

I’ve been having to deal with eletricistas (electricians), serralheiros (locksmiths) and people of the sort so I thought, “Why not share some of the vocabulary I’m using in Portuguese with my readers?”, so here’s a very useful list of vocabulary related to the house and its objects!

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Os Cômodos da Casa = Parts of the House

a sala (de estar) = living room
a sala de jantar = dining room
o banheiro = bathroom
o lavabo = restroom
a cozinha = kitchen
o quarto = bedroom
o quintal = backyard
o porão = basement
o sótão = attic
a lavanderia = laundry room

Na Sala de Estar = In the Living Room

o abajur = lamp
a almofada = cushion
a estante = bookcase, bookshelf
o aparelho de som = sound system
a TV = TV set
a lareira = fireplace
a mesa de centro = coffee table
a poltrona = armchair
o sofá = sofa, couch
o tapete = rug

Na Cozinha = In The Kitchen

o armário = closet
a caneca = mug
a colher = spoon
o copo = glass
a faca = knife
o fogão = stove
o microondas = microwave oven
o freezer = freezer
a geladeira = fridge
o garfo = fork
a máquina de lavar pratos = dishwasher
a pia = sink
o prato = plate
a torneira = faucet
a torradeira = toaster
a xícara = cup
o pires = saucer

No quarto = In the Bedroom

o guarda-roupa = wardrobe
o cabide = hanger
a cama = bed
a cadeira = chair
o cobertor = blanket
o edredon = comforter
o despertador = alarm clock
o travesseiro = pillow
a fronha = pillowcase
o lençol = sheets
a mesa = table
o criado-mudo = night stand

No banheiro = In the Bathroom

a banheira = bathtub
o chuveiro = shower
a privada / o vaso = toilet
o espelho = mirror
a pia = sink
a escova de dentes = toothbrush
a escola de cabelos = hairbrush
a pasta de dentes = toothpaste
o secador de cabelos = hairdryer
o fio dental = dental floss
o enxaguante bucal = mouthwash

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. andreas:

    Olá, Adir!
    Obrigado pelo blog. Tenho uma pergunta:a escola de cabelos = hairbrush. Talvez a escova?