Portuguese Language Blog

Listening Comprehension: RS Móvel Posted by on Aug 11, 2011 in Learning

I found a funny promotional video on Update or Die, an excellent Brazilian tech blog. The video helps promote a mobile and tablet app created by the Rio Grande do Sul government. Be warned – it’s purposely cheesy. Watch the video and answer the questions.


1. What are some of the things you can find with the app?

2. What kind of things can you report?

3. What is one of the slangy expressions one of the women uses to explain how the app helped her?

4. What did the man report using the app?


1. Doctors, DMV (CNH) information, and info for businesses

2. Crimes and local problems

3. Facilitou uma barbaridade minha vida

4. He saw some guys that looked like they were breaking into a neighbor’s car, so he took a photo and reported it

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