A man from a rural part of Minas Gerais is making lots of money off of his pet urubu (vulture), Loira. Loira, which means blonde girl in Portuguese, appears at special events for R$1,200 per appearance. Loira’s owner, Célio Luiz da Silva, participates in paragliding competitions, where Loira’s presence is frequently requested. She even helps the fliers find the right wind currents.
When Célio travels with Loira, they stay together in the same hotel room, though Loira sleeps in the bathroom. Unlike wild vultures, Loira prefers cooked meat, though she does enjoy a nice pig’s head once in awhile.
Célio’s dream is for Loira to appear at a Flamengo soccer game in Rio de Janeiro, since Flamengo’s mascot is an urubu. However, Célio is afraid that if Loira accidently flew into the opposing team’s crowd, she might get hurt.
To see some very silly photos of Loira and her owner, click here.
“Ela também adora comer crânio de porco, mas é crânio fresco que vou buscar no açougue. A cabeça do animal é limpa só para ela comer. Tem vezes que ela até dorme com a cabeça do porco” She sure does seem to like a good pig’s head!! Great article.