Portuguese Language Blog

Não Existe Amor em SP – Criolo & Caetano Posted by on Oct 25, 2011 in Music, Vocabulary

Last week was Brazil’s version of MTV’s Video Music Awards, the VMB, and one of the most awaited moments of the night was a collaboration between Criolo, an up and coming hip hop artist from São Paulo (I’ve actually met him at a bar here in SP! He’s incredibly down to earth), and Caetano Veloso, a musician who’s been famous and making music since the Tropicalia era, in the 1970’s. The interesting thing about both artists is they talk about social problems in Brazil in their music, and the song they sang at the VMB was no exception. Written by Criolo and performed by  both Não Existe Amor em SP is a beautiful song and gives you an idea of the social problems in city that can be reflected in many major cities around the world!

Here’s the video and lyrics below:

Não existe amor em SP Love doesn’t exist in SP
Um labirinto mistico A mystical labryinth
Onde os grafites gritam Where grafitti yells
Não dá pra descrever There’s no way to describe
Numa linda frase In a beautiful sentence
De um postal tão doce In a sweet postcard
Cuidado com doce Be careful with sweet
São Paulo é um buquê São Paulo is a bouquet
Buquês são flores mortas Bouquets are dead flowers
Num lindo arranjo In a beautiful arrangement
Arranjo lindo feito pra você A beautiful arrangement made by you
Não existe amor em SP Love doesn’t exist in SP
Os bares estão cheios de almas tão vazias The bars are filled with empty souls
A ganância vibra, a vaidade excita Greed vibrates, vanity excites
Devolva minha vida e morra afogada em seu próprio mar de fel Give me my life back and drown in your own sea of gall
Aqui ninguém vai pro céu Nobody here is going to heaven
Não precisa morrer pra ver Deus You don’t have to die to see God
Não precisa sofrer pra saber o que é melhor pra você You don’t have to suffer to know what’s best for you
Encontro duas nuvens em cada escombro, em cada esquina I find two clouds in every debris, on every corner
Me dê um gole de vida Give me a sip of life
Não precisa morrer pra ver Deus You don’t have to die to see God


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