Today we’re going to look at some interjections.
1.Oba [oh-bah] — Wow! Woah!
Oba! Você está linda. Wow! You look beauitful.
Oba! A casa está muito limpa. Woah! The house is really clean.
Also, in the countryside and rural parts of Brazil, you’ll hear people use “oba” as a greeting, instead of “oi” or “óla.”
2. Opa [oh-pah] — Oops! Whoops!
Opa! Derrubei a cerveja. Whoops! I knocked the beer over.
Opa! Pisei em você, desculpa. Oops! I stepped on you, sorry!
3. Putz! [poots] — Oh boy. Oh no!
Putz! Eu esqueci o projeto em casa. Oh no! I forgot the project at home.
Putz! Eu perdi a nota fiscal. Oh boy. I lost the receipt.