Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s actually not Valentine’s Day in Brazil today–that happens on June 12. But in honor of romance, I thought we’d learn some pet names you can use for your loved one in Portuguese. In Portuguese, you’d call them apelidos carinhosos.
-amorzinho (love)
-neném (baby)
-fofinho (cutie)
-lindo/linda (beautiful)
-docinho (sweetie)
-meu bem (my darling)
-querido/querida (dear)
-meu chuchu (my chayote, a type of Brazilian vegetable)
-minha vida (my life)
-bebê (baby)
-paixão (passion)
-gatinho/gatinha (cutie)
Are there any others you can think of?
lindinhooo 🙂
Adir Ferreira:
Ah, people usually shorten “amor” to “mor”. I had a friend who called her boyfriend “tico” and he called her “tica”.
@Adir Ferreira What does Tico mean?
Querida – Honey
My boyfriend likes calling me “mamae” – “mommy” OR “meu bem” -“my darling” but mostly he uses “gaja” and i call him “gajo”