Portuguese listening/reading practice – Bolsonaro terá supervisão de um adulto Posted by carol on Mar 25, 2019 in Brazilian News, Brazilian Profile, Culture, Learning
Olá, leitores! Hello, readers! Today’s listening and reading practice features a text by Brazilian journalist Renato Terra named Bolsonaro terá supervisão de um adulto (Bolsonaro will have adult supervision). He writes a weekly satirical column about Brazil’s current political issues. This one talks about President Jair Bolsonaro’s most recent Twitter blunder about Carnival.
Check out this glossary for better understanding:
Hamilton Mourão: Brazil’s vice president
Augusto Heleno: Brazilian politician named for the Institutional Security Office
laranja: political slang for fake fronts to a scheme
Golden shower: the president’s latest Twitter scandal
Gleisi Hoffmann: President of the Workers’ Party
Remember the steps:
- Listen to the audio first. See if you can identify any words and write them down, if you want to.
- Scroll down and read the text. You can try reading it out loud to practice your pronunciation and speaking skills, or play the audio again and follow as you listen. Read each sentence carefully and see what you can recognize and understand.
- Check translated text in italics. What were you able to grasp? Which parts were the most difficult? It’s a good idea to read the text in Portuguese again now that you know its full meaning.
1. Ouça/ Listen
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
2. Leia/ Read
Bolsonaro terá supervisão de um adulto
Atividades do presidente serão acompanhadas por um responsável
Parte 1: Após divulgar o golden shower no Twitter, ameaçar José de Abreu com um processo e passar muito tempo trancado no banheiro, o presidente Jair Bolsonaro terá sua autonomia controlada por um adulto responsável. “Jair está naquela fase questionadora, em que começa a formar sua própria opinião, construir sua identidade e engrossar a voz”, explicou Adalgisa Guararapes, do Conselho Tutelar de Rio das Pedras. A partir de agora, a guarda de Jair será compartilhada entre Hamilton Mourão e Augusto Heleno. “Segundas, quartas e sextas, ele fica comigo. Vamos alternar nos finais de semana”, explicou Mourão. “Quero também acalmar a nação e deixar claro o seguinte: caso eu tenha que sair de casa, vou deixá-lo com uma babá”, completou.
Parte 2: Bolsonaro precisará submeter suas opiniões aos responsáveis antes de postá-las nas redes sociais. Só poderá assinar decretos na presença de um adulto. Deverá pedir autorização para dormir na casa de amigos e deve chegar da rua até as 21h. “Esse menino passa o dia inteiro no celular e esquece de fazer o dever de casa. Está achando que a vida é ficar pendurado nas redes sociais vendo fetiche e provocando os outros”, lamentou Augusto Heleno. O general não descarta punir o presidente em caso de desobediência. “Da próxima vez que postar escatologia, vai ficar uma semana sem Twitter. E, se fizer pirraça, vai passar 15 dias descascando laranjas”, explicou, enquanto dobrava o lençol de Bolsonaro e preparava um copo de leite morno.
Parte 3: O primeiro projeto de Bolsonaro submetido a um adulto foi a implementação imediata da operação Leva Jato. “A ideia é destacar todo o efetivo da Polícia Federal para identificar todo mundo que recebeu ‘golden shower’ nesse Carnaval”, explicou. Ao tomar conhecimento, Augusto Heleno comprou um videogame novo para Jair se entreter e, discretamente, engavetou o projeto. O mercado financeiro recebeu bem a tutela de Jair Bolsonaro. Especialistas apostam que, em breve, Gleisi Hoffmann também terá a supervisão de um adulto.
Find the original text here: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/colunas/renato-terra/2019/03/bolsonaro-tera-supervisao-de-um-adulto.shtml
Bolsonaro will have adult supervision
Activities of the president will be accompanied by a guardian
Part 1: After announcing the golden shower on Twitter, threatening José de Abreu with a lawsuit and spending too long locked in the bathroom, President Jair Bolsonaro will have his autonomy controlled by a responsible adult. “Jair is in that questioning phase, where he begins to form his own opinion, build his identity and deepen his voice,” explains Adalgisa Guararapes of the Guardianship Council of Rio das Pedras. From now on, Jair’s custody will be shared between Hamilton Mourão and Augusto Heleno. “Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, he stays with me. We’ll alternate on weekends,” explained Mourão. “I also want to calm the nation and make it clear: if I have to leave the house, I’ll leave him with a nanny,” he added.
Part 2: Bolsonaro will need to submit his opinions to those responsible before posting them on social networks. He can only sign decrees in the presence of an adult. He should ask permission to sleep at friends’ house and his curfew is at 9pm. “This boy spends the whole day on his cell phone and he forgets to do his homework. He thinks life is all about hanging on social networks, seeing fetish and provoking others,” lamented Augusto Heleno. The general does not rule out punishing the president in case of disobedience. “The next time he posts eschatology, he’ll stay out of Twitter for a week, and if he throws a tantrum, he’ll spend 15 days peeling oranges,” he explained as he folded Bolsonaro’s sheet and prepared a glass of warm milk.
Part 3: The first Bolsonaro project submitted to an adult was the immediate implementation of the Leva Jato operation. “The idea is to highlight all the Federal Police personnel to identify everyone who received a ‘golden shower’ at this Carnival,” he explained. Upon learning this, Augusto Heleno bought a new video game for Jair to entertain and discreetly shelved the project. The financial market was glad to hear about Jair Bolsonaro’s tutelage. Experts are betting that Gleisi Hoffmann will also be supervised by an adult soon.

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Very funny. You may think. I like learning portuguese mas nao sei se quero ser e aprender de/com assholes.