After the Portuguese Numbers from 1-100 post, one person commented and asked about ordinals and larger numbers. So today we’re going to work on ordinals, and I’ll do larger numbers next because personally, I find ordinals in Portuguese, especially past 20, to be quite difficult to memorize (even as a Brazilian)!
Ordinals in Portuguese 1-100
1st |
primeiro |
pre-may-roh |
2nd |
segundo |
seh-goon-doh |
3rd |
terceiro |
ter-say-roh |
4th |
quarto |
ku-ar-toh |
5th |
quinto |
keen-toh |
6th |
sexto |
says-toh |
7th |
sétimo |
seh-chee-moh |
8th |
oitavo |
oy-tah-voh |
9th |
nono |
noh-nu |
10th |
décimo |
dess-ee-moh |
11th |
décimo primeiro |
dess-ee-moh-pre-may-roh |
12th |
décimo segundo |
dess-ee-moh-seh-goon-doh |
20th |
vigésimo |
vee-gess-ee-moh |
21st |
vigésimo primeiro |
vee-gess-ee-moh-pre-may-roh |
22nd |
vigésimo segundo |
vee-gess-ee-moh-seh-goon-doh |
30th |
trigésimo |
tree-gess-ee-moh |
40th |
quadragésimo |
kuah-dra-gess-ee-moh |
50th |
qüinquagésimo |
ku-een-ku-ah-gess-ee-moh |
60th |
sexagésimo |
says-tah-gess-ee-moh |
70th |
septuagésimo |
sep-too-ah-gess-ee-moh |
80th |
octogésimo |
ock-tah-gess-ee-moh |
90th |
nonagésimo |
noh-nah-gess-ee-moh |
100th |
centésimo |
sen-tess-ee-moh |
101st |
centésimo primeiro |
sem-tess-ee-moh-pre-may-roh |
As you can see, once you get to 30, the numbers get geometric (ex. quadragésimo ~ quadrado)! Also, note the numbers are all masculine here. When the noun is feminine, for all the numbers above, you switch the last “o” of each word with an “a.”
I was also able to find a quiz on Portuguese Ordinals for those of you who’d like some practice on this. Ordinal Numbers: English-Portuguese.