Social networks are huge in Brazil, and the country has become one of the fastest growing markets for some of the world’s most popular social websites. Today we’re going to learn a bit more about trends in social networks in Brazil with two short pieces from the Brazilian news.
Facebook cresce mais de 400% em um ano no Brasil, iG Tecnologia
Excerpt: “Segundo dados da comScore, o Facebook cresceu 479% entre agosto de 2009 e 2010. Atualmente, essa rede recebe cerca de nove milhões de usuários por mês.”
Read the full story here
Audiência do Orkut ainda é o triplo da do Facebook no país, diz estudo, IDG Now
Excerpt: “De acordo com a pesquisa, a rede do Google teve, em agosto, 29,4 milhões de visitantes únicos (internautas acima de 15 anos), contra cerca de 9 milhões de seu principal “concorrente”, que ainda está em 3º lugar, atrás do Windows Live Profile (12,5 milhões).”
Read the full story here
1. What does the study say about Facebook and Orkut use in Brazil?
2. Out of total time spent on the Internet, what percentage of time do Brazilians spend on social networks?
3. How many Orkut users are there in Brazil?
4. What percentage of Brazilian internet users accessed Twitter in August 2010?
Answers after the jump.
1. Even though Facebook use has increased by nearly 500% this year, Orkut is still the most used social network in Brazil.
2. 20%
3. About 29,400,000
4. 23%