Today we’re going to listen to a Maria Rita song with an adjacent translation in English! In this song, the singer compares her life to a busy train station. She uses fairly simple language, so hopefully it won’t be too difficult to follow along with the English to help.
Lyrics – Encontros e despedidas
Mande notícias do mundo de lá |
Send news from the other world |
Diz quem fica |
Says the one who stays |
Me dê um abraço |
Give me a hug |
Venha me apertar |
Come and hold me tightly |
“Tô” (estou) chegando |
I’m nearly there [literally: I am arriving]
Coisa que gosto é poder partir |
What I like is to be able to leave |
Sem ter planos |
Without having plans |
Melhor ainda é poder voltar |
Better still is to be able to return |
Quando quero |
When I want to |
Todos os dias é um vai-e-vem |
Every day is come-and-go |
A vida se repete na estação |
Life repeats itself at the station
Tem gente que chega pra ficar |
There are people who come to stay |
Tem gente que vai pra nunca mais |
There are people who go and never again (return) |
Tem gente que vem e quer voltar |
There are people who come and want to return |
Tem gente que vai e quer ficar |
There are people who go and want to stay |
Tem gente que veio só olhar |
There are people who came just to take a look |
Tem gente a sorrir e a chorar |
There are people who smile and cry |
E assim, chegar e partir |
And so, arriving and leaving |
São só dois lados |
There are only two sides |
Da mesma viagem |
Of the same trip |
O trem que chega |
The train that arrives |
É o mesmo trem da partida |
Is the same train that leaves |
A hora do encontro |
The moment the meeting [takes place]
É também despedida |
Is also the time of to say goodbye |
A plataforma dessa estação |
The platform of this station |
É a vida desse meu lugar |
Is the life of my place |
É a vida desse meu lugar |
Is the life of my place |
É a vida |
It’s life |
Paul Redman:
Fantastic song thanks very much for the translation helps to appreciate the music even more!
carlos R. Barron:
great song easy to understand obrigado for sending this to us learners of portugesse by computer