Though the most popular sport in Brazil is obviously soccer, today we’re going to take a look at how to say the names of different sports that are played or popular in Brazil.
futebol: soccer [foo-chee-BOH]
volei: volleyball [VOH-lay]
volei de praia: beach volleyball [VOH-lay deh PRY-ah]
basquete: basketball [bahs-KEH-chee]
futsal: indoor soccer [foo-chee-SOW]
jiu jitsu: jujutsu (martial art) [jzoo-JITZ-oo]
futebol americano: American football [foo-chee-BOH ah-meh-ree-CAHN-oo]
Formula 1: car racing [FOUR-moo-lah oom]
atletismo: track and field [aht-leh-CHEESE-moo]
judô: judo [joo-DOH]
natação: swimming [nah-tah-SOWnn]
Phillip – Austin, Tx:
Esqueceu de o fute-volei, puro Brasileiro!
Just a note: Formula 1 is just one category of car racing, actually the “Formula One” category