Tag Archives: books in Portuguese
Women’s day special: Brazil’s most celebrated female author Posted by carol on Mar 15, 2021

Olá, amigos leitores! Segunda-feira passada (last Monday) was Dia Internacional das Mulheres (International Women’s Day) in many countries around the world. And to honor all the women in our lives, our text today will celebrate a maior escritora brasileira (the greatest Brazilian writer) and one of the most important names in 20th century world literature…
Ways to boost your Portuguese over the quarantine Posted by carol on Mar 24, 2020

Olá a todos. Hi everyone. Our previous post went over some dicas de prevenção (prevention tips) to help people stay seguras (safe) during these disruptive coronavirus days. As most coutries have been stepping up restrictions to manage the outbreak and curb the propagação (spread) of the doença (disease). One of these measures include declaring quarantine…
Let’s improve your Portuguese skills in 2019! Posted by carol on Jan 22, 2019

Olá, pessoal! Hello, everyone! Como está o janeiro de vocês? How is your January going? Last post we took a look back at the year 2018 with a retrospective. But how about we focus on the future now and discuss your Portuguese learning aims for 2019? Today I thought it could be a good idea…
[Brazilian Literature] – The history of samba Posted by carol on Apr 21, 2017

“Quem não gosta de Samba, bom sujeito não é” [Those who don’t like samba are not good people] Oi, galera! Hey, everyone! This is a post about Brazilian literature, but it may just as well fall under our [Brazilian Music] heading. Today we’ll talk about Lira Neto’s newest release Uma história do Samba: as origens…
[Brazilian Literature] – Part II Posted by carol on May 13, 2016
Olá! Hello! Developing reading skills is an essential part of learning a language. News, articles, comics and literature are a great source for improving your reading habilities. If you want to get to know Brazilian literature better, o trabalho (the work) of Hilda Hilst pode ser uma boa ideia (can be a good idea). …