Tag Archives: onde ir brasil
Brazilian states: Distrito Federal Posted by carol on May 24, 2021

Bom dia, queridos leitores! It has happened to me many times. When I go about telling people that I’m from Brazil, quite a few of them tell me they’d love to visit its capital, Rio de Janeiro. Wait, what? Well, though Rio is undoubtely the most popular city here, its capital is actually Brasília! This…
Brazilian states: Piauí Posted by carol on Apr 30, 2021

Bom dia queridos leitores, it’s that time of the month: our ongoing series on Estados Brasileiros (Brazilian states). Our destino (destination) today may not be the one that would normally feature a list of the 10 most sought after lugares (places) in our country, however it is a region that boasts many belezas (beauties). One…
Brazilian states: Mato Grosso do Sul Posted by carol on Sep 21, 2020

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! Vocês já ouviram falar do Mato Grosso do Sul? Have you heard of Mato Grosso do Sul? This might not be a household name to many of you, but you probably heard of Pantanal, right? As part of our ongoing series on estados brasileiros (Brazilian states), today is Mato…