Portuguese Language Blog

Tag Archives: tim maia

É primavera! It is spring! Posted by on Sep 25, 2018

Boa noite a todos! Good evening, everyone! A primavera (spring) has just begun here in Brazil! We now say goodbye to the cold inverno (winter) and greet the flowers and nice clima (weather) from spring. I was personally looking forward to it! And what estação (season) are you in in your part of the world?…

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Brazilian music – Dia dos namorados Posted by on Jun 11, 2018

Boa noite a todos! Good evening to all! Estão prontos para o dia dos namorados amanhã? Are you guys ready for valentine’s day tomorrow? Now, wait a minute. Did you just say valentine’s day? Wasn’t that months ago, back in fevereiro (february)? Well, as some of you might know, here in Brazil things are a…

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[Music to Listen to] – Part IV Posted by on Jun 4, 2016

Ei, gente. Como vocês estão? Hey, guys. How are you doing? What are your plans for the fim-de-semana (weekend)? How about chilling to some Brazilian music? My suggestion is listening to the iconic Tim Maia. Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1942, the artist started composing quando (when) he was only seven years old. On…

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