Portuguese Language Blog

The Lusiads Posted by on Oct 8, 2007 in Literature

Luiz Vaz de Camões’ epic poem Os Lusíadas The Lusiads is widely considered the most important Portuguese-language text ever written. First published in 1572 and written in Homeric verse with an ottava rima cadence, The Lusiads served as a Portuguese national epic, akin to the Aeneid of the Romans.<br /
Camões (sometimes spelled in English as ‘Camoens’) authored the work in ten cantos, each with a varying number of stanzas. He liberally borrows from Homer at every level of the poem, including poetic style, imagery, thematic elements and most prominently the role of the Greco-Roman pantheon as primary characters. Even Homer’s sirens make an appearance!The emergent and over-arching theme of The Lusiads is Portugal’s destiny to conquer primitive cultures and spread their modern, Western, and Christian values across the globe. Placed in the context of Portugal’s conflict with the Moors and Castilians, a contemporary Portuguese reader (such as the King) would likely have been inspired by Camões fervent belief in his country’s greatness.

In retrospect, we see that this destiny was truly not that of the Portuguese nation, and the subsequent centuries saw the steady fall from grace of the once-powerful Crown.

Without further ado, here are the texts (English and Portuguese) for your reading pleasure.


À Guisa de Apresentação
Canto I
Canto II
Canto III
Canto IV
Canto V
Canto VI
Canto VII
Canto VIII
Canto IX
Canto X
Interpretação das Siglas Adoptadas e de Algumas Referências
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