Archive for November, 2008
Introducing: «Единый день народных сметанников» [United Day of People’s Smetanniki] Posted by josefina on Nov 4, 2008

Hello gorgeous! Шесть свежевыпеченных сметанников (из магазина) [six freshly baked ‘smetannikis’ (from the store)] and the celebration of November 4th can begin! This morning when I woke up late there was but one question on my unglossed lips – how should I celebrate today’s beautiful holiday? «Сегодня всё-таки “День народного единства”!» [Today is after all…
There’s Something Right About This Picture… Posted by josefina on Nov 3, 2008

By the time everyone guessed right – to which I must say «молодцы!» – my Korean roommate counted just how many new words she’s been learning a week, and fixed it in the following manner: «160 (сто шестдесять) новых слов за неделю!» [160 new words a week!]. Now is there anyone out there prepared to…
What’s wrong with this picture? Posted by josefina on Nov 1, 2008

My Korean roommate put up this piece of paper on our wall about a month ago. Only a few days ago did I realize that it is not a correct message in Russian grammatically speaking; no matter how great and ambitious it may be generally speaking. And so I was forced to accept the bitter facts…