Archive for October, 2010
Halloween in Russia? Posted by yelena on Oct 27, 2010

When I left Russia back in 1997 we didn’t celebrate Halloween. In fact, we didn’t even know about this holiday. But here I am living in «Штаты» [the US] where this «праздник» is huge and of course we’re sucked into the celebratory frenzy. And of course, I’m not the only Russian in the States…
Reading “Мастер и Маргарита”: Chapter 16 Posted by yelena on Oct 25, 2010

Through the first 15 chapters of Master and Margarita I hoped that it’d be Josefina’s turn once we get to «Казнь» [Execution]. But now that she’s «отошла от дел» [withdraw from business], it falls to me to write about Chapter 16 of the Bulgakov’s novel… Personally, I find it hard to write about the chapters…
Есть такое слово! [There is a Word Like This!] Posted by yelena on Oct 18, 2010
I’ve been watching a lot of «русские мультфильмы» [Russian cartoons] lately. I justify it as education, not as entertainment. Seriously, cartoons can provide fantastic insights into the real everyday speech. The golden nuggets of linguistic wisdom – phrases, idioms, words – that can be found in many cartoons usually appear in «повседневная речь» [everyday speech]…
Joy of Russian Appetizers Posted by yelena on Oct 15, 2010

Last week I went to a «русский пикник» [Russian picnic] here, in Raleigh, North Carolina. It was done “pot-luck” style, so I had to think of something to bring for this «трапеза на лоне природы» [meal in the open air]. As I was thinking up something «вкусненькое» [delicious], yet «быстрое в приготовлении» [quick to make]…
Russian Seasons – Autumn Posted by yelena on Oct 11, 2010

«Унылая пора, очей очарованье» [a melancholy season, bewitchment for the eyes] – that’s how Alexander Pushkin described «осень» [autumn]. The classic wasn’t alone in «воспевание» [celebration, lit.: singing of praises] of this «закатный сезон» [sunset season]. Russian poets love autumn (ok, it’s called Fall here, in the USA, but autumn seems a bit more romantic…
«Прощайте, дорогие друзья!» [Farewell, dear friends!] Posted by josefina on Oct 10, 2010

I would advice you all to continue doing what I always do – and sort of have instructed you to also take pleasure in – look for signs of Russian literature EVERYWHERE! I found this bumper sticker on a car in downtown San Francisco today: “What would Taras Bulba do?” [«Что бы делал Тарас Бульба?»]…
How to Procrastinate in Russian Posted by yelena on Oct 8, 2010
We all procrastinate from time to time. Some (and I’m pointing a finger at myself right now) do it more than others. If you love Russian and happen to procrastinate even ocassionally, then why not do it in Russian? That’s what total immersion is all about, isn’t it? But let me not delay this post…