Archive for August, 2021
How To Apologize In Russian Posted by Nadya on Aug 31, 2021

Mistakes are inevitable, but a sincere apology can help fix the situation. Let’s see how to apologize in Russian. The Most Common Ways The most popular ways to apologize are using the noun “извини(те) [iz-vi-NEE-(tye)]” and “прости(те) [pras-TEE-(tye)].” When talking to someone you know and address in “ты,” use “прости” and “извини.” If talking formally…
Pretty in Prefix Posted by bota on Aug 23, 2021

Should I write пре or при? Whether you are a beginner Russian learner or a native speaker, dealing with these two prefixes is a handful. Actually, dealing with all the prefixes in Russian can be overwhelming without some of them sounding almost exactly the same. Is it приле́чь or прелечь на дива́н (to lie down…
Oaks, fins, and hooves Posted by bota on Aug 16, 2021

No, this is not a Russian bar or a metal band name, though last I checked it’s up for grabs. We are talking about more простонаро́дные фразеологи́змы о сме́рти (more informal idioms about death). So, today’s blog is an add-on to the one about death euphemisms and to the one about verbs that mean “to…
Russian Inventions You Know-2 Posted by Nadya on Aug 11, 2021

This time I would like to continue the list of the valued inventions of Russians. Previously, I told you about famous engineers and physicists. In fact, Russians have made tremendous contributions to inventions. If you open the history of the space (космическая), aviation (авиационная), or military (военная) industry (индустрия), you will find many Russian names…
The curious case(s) of shashlik Posted by bota on Aug 4, 2021

*All images are by author Шашлы́к и падежи́ (shashlik and cases) are quintessentially Russian things and a lot has been said about each one but always separately. What do you say if we take the best of both worlds and revise Russian cases while talking about the most perfect summer dish? That’s right, I want…